Resources during isolation

Minding your mental health and tackling boredom & loneliness

Covid-19 has meant that much of our daily lives  have been disrupted and the weekly routine that most of us rely on from day-to-day has been whipped out from underneath us in a short space of time. Although a break from routine can be enjoyable at times, it can also be unsettling and trigger a lot of mental health issues.

Luckily, there are lots of resources available to keep us busy at this time and many of them are free! Why not explore a museum you’ve never been to, try a yoga or meditation class or get coding, writing or learning a new language.

Below is a list of resources we’ve put together to cure boredom, ignite inspiration and restore routine so that we can start to feel a little more normal again in this highly abnormal situation.

Culture and Arts

  • If you don’t already have one, sign up for a library card online and get access to books, films, magazine and loads more through Libraries Ireland
  • Explore online audio books, e-books and movies on Open Culture.

Health and Wellbeing

  • Yoga with Adrienne is a great resource to get into the habit of practicing yoga, no matter what your experience.
  • An array of consciousness raising materials can be found on Gaia
  • A number of guided meditations and dharma talks can be found here by  Tara Brach

Michael Stone, Ram Dass and Jack Kornfield

  • 8 Fit is an excellent fitness app that offers specifically tailored work-out regimes.

Education and Development

  • Coursera offers a range of free courses, certificates and degrees that can be done online.
  • At Future Learn you can learn new skills, keep studying and connect with experts.
  • The European Commission are offering a number of Coronavirus: Online Learning Resources for leaners and teachers during the outbreak.
  • Life Hack has out together an extensive list of educational resources here

Resources for Children

  • Whole Child Counselling has put together a list of Coronavirus Resources for kids, parents and educators.
  • NPR have put together a comic book for kids about the corona virus.
  • Scoilnet is the official portal for Irish schools and offers a range of resources and activities based on the curriculum.
  • Twinkl is an educational resource that is being offered to students at this time.
  • Magic Muinteoir keeps a blog about everything school-related offering tips and activities for this time at home.
  • Write Reader is a tool allowing children to create and write books (offering a free trial to write one book).

       You can also find another extensive list of free supports and services here.

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